Uncharted waters new horizons
Uncharted waters new horizons

  • Sink-or-Swim Mentor: His approach to parenting boils down to "Here is my old ship, now go and don't come back until you're the greatest sailor in the world.".
  • Previous Player-Character Cameo: As Joao, you occasionally get to see a much older and stricter Leon from the first game (who happens to be Joao's dad).
  • uncharted waters new horizons

    Other characters Leon FrancoThe protagonist of the original Uncharted Waters, now a Portuguese duke and Joao's father.

  • Rags to Riches: From an orphaned street urchin to the richest noble in the Ottoman Empire.
  • This is specifically something that Howell warns him of at the beginning of his story.
  • Intrepid Merchant: His storyline summed up in two words.
  • An Entrepreneur Is You: Pretty much the entire Ali storyline.
  • uncharted waters new horizons

  • Do You Want to Haggle?: Ali can do it better than anyone since his haggling is capped to his navigation level.
  • Buying the Mediterranean, one port at a timeA Turkish trader who grew up in extreme poverty but slowly works his way up to the richest merchant in the Mediterranean, while searching for his long-lost sister.

    Uncharted waters new horizons